Summer Thrive 30-Day Nutrition Program
July 3rd - August 1st

There are 3 main pillars that I have made a priority for this program! 

 1) It needs to be right for your TASTEBUDS. It lets you enjoy your favourite meals (in a balanced way) so that you never feel deprived. This is why you will be given a recipe guide that includes a selection of options for vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free and traditional meals. There are 11 juice and smoothie recipes. There are 20+ recipes in the “Delicious, Healthy Meal Guide” 


2) It needs to be right for your BODY. It helps you feel your best so you actually feel MORE energy while following your lifestyle plan. No more constant hunger and fatigue. 


3) It needs to be right for your LIFE. Unless you have a personal chef, you can’t have 3 hours of food prep go into your meals each day. Nor would you want to! I know I wouldn’t... 


My 30-day Summer Thrive Program give you everything you need to create healthy habits that work for you and take the next step towards being energized and confident, as well as building a strong foundation in your health.

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Holistic Britt Nutrition strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before making changes to your dietary habits. I fully understand that Brittany Nicholson, Holistic Britt Nutrition, is not a medical doctor and I am not here for medical diagnostic or procedures. You should seek the care and guidance of your doctor before changing dietary or lifestyle habits. Only you and your doctor can determine what course of action is best for you and your particular needs. Participation in this course, including but not limited to the purchase of the course material, does not constitute a coach-client relationship. If you engage in this course, you agree that you do so at your own risk, and agree to release, indemnify, discharge, and hold harmless Brittany Nicholson, Holistic Britt Nutrition, or any associated agents, assigns, or successors, from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Brittany Nicholson’s, Holistic Britt Nutrition’s negligence.
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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Program Wins: Learn how to thrive this summer without feeling like you're missing out! 

The summer program you’ve been looking for! 

July 3rd - August 1st 

no restriction  

enjoy the summer season and bbq dinners 

 maintain healthy habits, or start to make the transition to a healthier lifestyle (without it feeling like WORK) 

 The answer does not fall in the latest fad diet, or on restricting your favourite foods. The answer lies in NOURISHING ourselves! 

 >> Let’s THRIVE this SUMMER! << 

 In this 30- Day Online Program you’ll dive into healthy eating tips, balancing your plate, meal prepping & planning for less stress in the kitchen, setting up a healthy digestive foundation, & eating for more energy.

Week #1 – The Importance of a Healthy Digestive Foundation, and Where to Start 


Week #2 – Keeping Energized – Blood sugar balance, balancing your plate & meal timing 


Week #3 – Strategies for healthy habits when you’re busy or travelling & 20 simple snack ideas 


Week #4 – Plan Ahead for Success – Meal planning for less stress in the kitchen & setting SMART goals

What you'll get; 

A Delicious and nutritious recipe bundle with 20+ tasty summer recipes! 

Barbecue friendly recipes 

11 Juice and smoothie recipes 

20 healthy snack ideas handout 

Hydration guide & recipe bundle 

Eating healthy on the go handout 

Balanced plate handout 

 Menu planning worksheet 

Tips for incorporating more healthy and whole foods into your routine 

Access to a private Facebook group 

Grocery shopping guide 

Weekly group zoom call 

  • Total payment
  • 1xSummer Thrive Nutrition Program$99

All prices in CAD
